Los Angeles
Republican Club
Mission Statement:
Locate, educate, motivate and mobilize Hispanics who support shared values and objectives; both young and old.
Provide them with information and tools to strengthen their positions, defend their positions and expand their positions to others.
Need Our Support?
​​The LAHRC is here to support our
Phone: 1 818-337-9749
Email: losangelesHRC@gmail.com
California Hispanic Republican Club PAC
Like the Los Angeles Hispanic Republican Club, the CAHRC PAC is committed to supporting Republican Candidates running for elected office.
The CAHRC PAC was formed to provide us with the ability to invest in those running for office in the Assembly, Senate and Statewide Offices.
In order to bring prosperity back to California we must invest in those individuals who have stepped into the Arena of Political Combat.
Make no mistake, it is an investment in a process which will take time to nourish, educate and yes, see a positive return.
Candidates who step forward are investing their time, money, moments away from family, friends and jobs or businesses.
They will be subjected to criticism, ridicule and yes, much disappointment.
As someone who has been in that area many times, I know from experience the challenges they will face.
There was one question I believe was the deciding factor before entering any campaign; will it make a difference?
The answer is and was, a resounding YES! It matters if we bring the fight to the opposition and not surrender without a challenge.
Join us in supporting the men and women who are stepping up to fight for Personal Liberty, Free Enterprise, Lower Taxes and Private Property Rights.
Make your contribution to the California Hispanic Republican Club PAC.
Contributions are not Tax Deductible but vital. There is no contribution limit. Please provide your name, address, occupation and employer for reporting purposes.
Mail your contribution to CAHRC PAC 9694 North Hollywood, California 91609. ID # 1426134
David Hernandez Chairman, LAHRC, CAHRC PAC